Local Growth Plans
8 Local Growth Partnerships have been established across the 7 District Electoral Areas (DEAs) (Ballyarnett, Moor, Waterside, Foyleside, Derg, Faughan, Sperrin) and Strabane town. The Partnerships includes representation from the community and statutory agencies and play a key role in shaping public service delivery at a local level.
Through a process of extensive engagement at neighbourhood level, the Partnerships worked together to agree 8 Local Growth Plans that are reflective of the needs and aspirations for residents and individuals at a local level.
The partnership boards meet at least 10 times a year to progress projects and initiatives linked to the Local Growth Plans. The local growth plans will feed into the overarching Strategic Growth Plan and their key purpose will be to develop local actions to address local needs.
Following a review undertaken in 2023 the revised Local Growth Plans were approved by the Strategic Growth Partnership on 6th March 2024 and are available here for viewing and download.
If you have any questions about your Local Growth Plan/Partnership, please send your query to localplans@derrystrabane.com