How we’re making it happen
The Strategic Growth Partnership will take a collaborative approach to achieving the outcomes and impacts outlined in the Strategic Growth Plan which will transform our City and Region.
In order to ensure full accountability in terms of delivering on these objectives, a comprehensive range of Delivery Partnerships are actively working to deliver and report on the actions in the Strategic Growth Plan in a way that contributes to their relevant outcomes. Examples of these partnerships are the City Deal Delivery structures and programme boards, the Education and Skills Partnership/Labour Market Partnership, the Tourism Partnership, the Arts and Culture Partnership, the Climate Adaption Working Group, the Green Infrastructure Stakeholder Group, Sustainable Food Partnership, the North West Transport Programme Board, the Integrated Care Partnerships, the PCSP, Developing Healthy Communities, The Local Growth Partnerships, The Youth Participation Board and the Age Friendly Alliance.
These partnerships are often led by the Statutory Partners and report periodically to the Strategic Growth Partnership. They also are responsible for targeting programmes at particular areas and sections of the community who are experiencing inequalities.
An Equality Assurance and Oversight Group (including representatives from Section 75 categories) and a Rural Issues Group have also been established. They will monitor progress against rural needs, equality indicators and targets, identifying emerging issues and offering feedback to the Partnership.
The public will receive regular updates through this website and a variety of mediums as the plan progresses in terms of delivering on the key economic, environmental and social projects which will drive the positive growth of our District and the NW region as a whole.