The Inclusive Strategic Growth Plan (Community Plan) clearly outlines the vision for Children and Young People
Our children and young people have the best start in life.
To achieve this vision two key priorities have been identified
- Our children and young people are safer, healthier, more respected and included
- Our children and young people are better able to fully realise their potential and become active, responsible citizens.
There are a range of actions which have been identified that will assist in achieving the outcomes identified within the Inclusive Strategic Growth Plan including the adoption of the Unicef Child Rights Framework and the establishment of structures to involve children and young people in decisions which affect them, including the establishment of a Youth Council.
There must be an established and shared vision for Children and Young People which is shaped around the Child Rights based approach and a willingness to embed child rights in the planning, design and delivery of local services.
The Western Area Outcomes Group (WAOG) is a partnership made up with community, voluntary and statutory organisations that work together, to plan and put in place the support and services needed to improve outcomes for children and young people in the West that cannot be put in place by agencies acting separately. The WAOG use an outcomes based framework to form the basis of their work. Outcomes based planning is the gathering of statistical information and information from communities in order to understand how well children and young people are doing in terms of certain outcomes, and then putting into place services designed to improve these outcomes. The WAOG is chaired the Director of Women and Children’s Services in the Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT) and membership reflects the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership with representation from the statutory agencies and the voluntary and community sector.
The development of the Inclusive Strategic Growth Plan and supporting Local Community Plans in each of the eight Local Area Community Planning Partnership Board Areas (Ballyarnett, Derg, Foyleside, Faughan, Moor, Sperrin, Strabane Town Centre, and Waterside) has created the landscape for aligning the Governance arrangements of the Children and Young People’s theme with the WAOG and the Community Planning structures.
(Comprising Statutory, Public and Community & Voluntary Sector representation)
Western Area Outcomes Group
Action For Children |
Barnardos |
Caw/Nelson Drive Community Association |
Children & Young People’s Strategic Partnership |
Department For Communities |
Derry City & Strabane District Council |
Dry Arch Children’s Centre |
Early Years Organisation |
Extern |
Fermanagh And Omagh District Council |
Health And Social Care Board |
Lifestart Foundation |
Marie Curie |
Mencap |
Migrant Centre Ni |
Northern Ireland Housing Executive |
Omagh Women’s Aid |
Parenting Ni |
Public Health Agency |
Western Area Childcare Partnership |
Education Authority |
Western Health And Social Care Trust |
Youth Justice Agency |
Chair – Director of Women and Children’s Services, Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT)
Previous Meetings:
Further details on the Western Area Outcome Group (including meeting minutes) can be obtained here.