Background and supporting papers for the June 27th meeting of the Strategic Growth Partnership are available for download below.

Agenda Item Lead
1. Apologies All
2. Declarations of Interest All
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 27.02.2019 Chair
4. Deputation:

Economic Growth in Derry City and Strabane District and impact of Strategic Growth Plan

Dr Eoin Magennis – Senior Economist, Ulster University Economic Policy Centre

5. Deputation:

The potential for a Participatory Budgeting pilot.

Colm Bradley/ Louise O’Kane – Community Places

6. City Deal – Verbal Update Chief Executive
7. Statement of Progress Strategic Business Manager
8. Review of Partnership Agreement Strategic Business Manager
For Information
9. Local Growth Plans Head of Community Development and Leisure, DCSDC
10. Carnegie Embedding Wellbeing in Northern Ireland Project Strategic Projects Officer
11. World Health Organisation European Healthy Cities Network – Phase VII Head of Health & Community Wellbeing
12.  C Pharmacy Needs Assessment Project HSCB
13. Forward Meeting Schedule Chair
14. A.O.B All

To access presentations please click on the hyperlink on the relevant agenda item within the table.