Background and supporting papers for the February 26th meeting of the Strategic Growth Partnership are available for download below.

Agenda Item Lead
1. Welcome & Introductions Chair
2. Apologies All
3. Declarations of Interest All
For Decision
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 25.11.19 Chair
5. Carnegie Embedding Wellbeing in Northern Ireland Project: Natural Capital Account Dr Aideen McGinley, CUKT Advisory Panel Chair, Embedding Wellbeing in NI;

Dr Christine Doherty, Biodiversity Officer, DCSDC.

6. Shared Leadership Programme Majella McCloskey, Centre for Effective Services.
For Information
7. Presentation: Area Planning and Sustainable Schools Policy Janis Scallon, Dept of Education (DE);
Nigel Freeburn, Education Authority (EA);
Majella Corrigan, Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS).
8. Review of Strategic Growth Plan 2021
9. Statement of Progress (2017-2019) Marketing Evaluation Report
10. Towards a Programme of Support – Community Planning Working Group/Reference Group
11. DfC Housing Policy Workshop
12. Participatory Budgeting Report & Recommendations
13. Forward Meeting Schedule
14. A.O.B